
VHS: Very Horror Stories

Created by Aces Games

The RPG for nights of blood and horror inspired by classic movies like Hellraiser, Alien, Halloween and many others. Press play... and Scream!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

VHS: Spin off will be printed! Only a few hours left to join the campaign!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 10:05:13 AM

[ENG] WE MADE IT! This morning we unlocked one of the most long-awaited stretch goals of the campaign: the print of VHS Spin-Off!

And along with it, the stretch goal includes 8 New Traits to create psionic aliens and space pirates.

But it's not over yet! There are a few more than 24 hours left and only 4 other stretch goals to unlock!

Shall we give this last scream, survivors? ;)


[ITA] CE L'ABBIAMO FATTA! Questa mattina abbiamo sbloccato uno degli stretch goal più attesi della campagna: la stampa di VHS Spin-Off!

E insieme a lui, anche lo stretch goal contenente 8 Nuovi Tratti per creare mostri psionici e pirati spaziali.

Ma non è ancora finita! Mancano poche più di 24 ore e una manciata di altri stretch goal da sbloccare!

Vogliamo lanciarlo quest'ultimo urlo, sopravvissuti? ;)

VHS explained in 10 minutes!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 09:51:06 AM

Hello everyone! There are only 2 days left until the end of VHS's Kickstarter campaign! For the occasion, we've published this video containing everything you need to know about the game, from the system to the setting and so on.

Take a look! 👇

If you haven't already, now is the right time to pledge! 📼🪓

Only 3 Days left! New Stretch Goal Unlocked + Last Stretch Goals Unveiled + Dice Set Add-on (and free pin!)
about 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 06:13:36 AM

[ENG] Here we go, aspiring survivors! Horror is almost closing its curtain and for the occasion, we've kept a few surprises in store for you!

Are you curious? Take a look down below, and if you haven't already, now is the perfect time to join the campaign!

Are you ready to press play and scream?


[ITA] Ci siamo, aspiranti sopravvissuti! L’orrore sta quasi per chiudere il suo sipario e per l’occasione abbiamo tenuto in serbo per voi qualche sorpresa!

Siete curiosi di scoprire cosa vi aspetta? Date un’occhiata qui sotto e, se non l’avete ancora fatto, questo è il momento giusto per partecipare alla campagna.

Siete pronti a premere Play e a urlare?

And here's some brand new videos!

Interview with Midgardia [ENG]

VHS Explained in 10 minutes [ITA]

Only 7 days left! / Solo 7 giorni rimasti!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 02:51:11 AM

[ENG] Hello Everyone!

The phone rings. A rasping voice on the other side whispers... 7 days!

That's exactly how long until the end of VHS's Kickstarter campaign. Two weeks have passed, for a total of TWENTY stretch goals unlocked, and only a few more to close the theater of horrors we have prepared for you. 

These are the hardest days, but we are optimistic about reaching the last remaining stretch goals!

If you haven't already, now is the right time to join the campaign!

Are you ready to press play and scream?


[ITA] Salve a tutti e a tutte!

La cornetta suona. Una voce rauca dall’altra parte mormora… 7 giorni!

È esattamente quanto manca alla fine della campagna di Kickstarter di VHS. Sono trascorse due settimane, per un totale di VENTI stretch goal sbloccati! E ne mancano pochi per chiudere il teatro degli orrori che abbiamo preparato per voi.

Questi sono i giorni più duri, ma siamo ottimistici riguardo al raggiungimento degli ultimi stretch goal!

Se non l’avete ancora fatto, questo è il momento giusto per partecipare alla campagna.

Siete pronti a premere Play e a urlare?

New interview for VHS with Mildra the Monk!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 10:25:09 AM

Hi survivors!

Today on the Kickstarter page we published an interview with Mildra the Monk (whom we thank). You can listen to it by clicking on the banner below.

If you're interested to know more about the game of VHS, we have also published a demo session in English, which you can see below,

Thanks to all! Have a great day... and great screams!

- Simone